Like the mean, it can give you an idea of central tendency, except a median won’t be distorted by outliers. Median – The value where half the data lies above and half the data falls below.Use it to get a benchmark of “typical” behaviors in your population. It’s a quick and easy way to determine the central tendency of your data set. If you do, download it here: 20 Analytical Tools that Market Every Researcher Should Know from LRW Master brand tracking and CX with these words While you can’t necessarily hold these tools in your hands, they’re still critical instruments that have a distinct purpose and application. Here’s a look at 20 analytical tools that all researchers should have within reach, ranging from the basic foundational pieces (“that rings a bell from seventh grade math”) to some more sophisticated tools (“graduate-level stat geek”). To do this, you need the right statistical data analysis tools.

In the age of “data science”, data is no longer scarce (despite it often being a challenge to wrangle.) Even with warehouses and lakes of it, data is really quite useless unless used correctly to interpret its implications.